Teleflora's Precious Jewel Bouquet
A precious gift to honor any occasion, this joyful bouquet of roses and gerberas looks picture perfect in this keepsake mosaic glass vase with sparkling iridescent finish.
A precious gift to honor any occasion, this joyful bouquet of roses and gerberas looks picture perfect in this keepsake mosaic glass vase with sparkling iridescent finish.
A precious gift to honor any occasion, this joyful bouquet of roses and gerberas looks picture perfect in this keepsake mosaic glass vase with sparkling iridescent finish.
Orientation : All-Around
All prices in USD ($)
This stunning mosaic glass vase with shimmering iridescent finish is a sparkling keepsake they will cherish for years to come.
11 3/4" H
12 1/4" W
Standard - $89.99
12" H
13" W
Deluxe - $109.95